Learn in detail 6 things you need to know about factory cranes

28 March, 2021|Quản trị viên

Cầu trục nhà xưởng mang lại nhiều lợi ích lớn cho doanh nghiệp

The factory crane supports the faster and more convenient lifting and lowering of machines and heavy goods. However, not all factories should install cranes. The following 6 things will help businesses answer and choose the right one.

1. What is a factory crane? The role of the factory crane

Factory crane (also known as crane) is a horizontal and vertical lifting device on the height of a factory. This device makes lifting and moving movements of machines and goods in the factory convenient and fast.

Cầu trục nhà xưởng mang lại nhiều lợi ích lớn cho doanh nghiệp
Factory cranes bring many great benefits to businesses

Effects of factory crane:

  • Save labor costs because this device effectively replaces the work of many workers, does not need many workers at the same time.
  • Improve labor productivity because the lifting process has reduced time and can lift a very large volume of products at once.
  • Helping businesses always ensure work progress, can use cranes whenever needed.
  • Quick and safe installation during use. The operation process is completely by machines, workers only perform remote control.
  • Low investment cost, easy installation and renovation.

2. Popular types of factory cranes today

Based on the shape factor, factory cranes are divided into the following common types:

2.1. Crane A

Cầu trục chữ A được ứng dụng nhiều trong sản xuất và rất dễ dàng để điều khiển 
A-shaped crane is widely used in production and is easy to control

This is the most commonly used crane in production. As the name suggests, the crane has a shape like the letter A and is very diverse in size and can load up to several thousand tons. Therefore, A-shaped crane is widely used for transporting and loading and unloading goods. Moreover, this type of crane is very easy to control by hand or press control.

2.2. Single girder overhead crane

Cầu trục dầm đơn nhỏ gọn, dễ dàng lắp đáp ứng nhu cầu cơ bản của doanh nghiệp
Compact, easy-to-install single girder overhead crane meets the basic needs of businesses

It is a type of crane with an independent single girder structure with a hoist assembly to lift and lower the goods hanging below. Single girder gantry crane is capable of lifting and lowering medium loads, from 500kg – 20 tons.

This type of crane has the outstanding advantage of being compact, easy to install in factories and workshops with small and medium areas. At the same time, this lifting equipment has a sturdy and convenient structure to meet the basic needs of businesses.

2.3. Double girder gantry crane

Cầu trục dầm đôi thường được sử dụng tại các nhà xưởng có tải trọng nâng hạ từ 10 tấn trở lên
Double girder gantry cranes are often used in factories with a lifting capacity of 10 tons or more

It is a commonly used equipment for businesses that need to lift loads from 10 tons or more. Double girder gantry crane includes 2 main girders, 2 side girders, working platform, moving car and electrical wiring and shaft control system.

This device has a compact design, sturdy, stable operation. The speed of the crane is easily adjusted to suit the lifting work.

2.4. Wall crane

Với thiết kế nhỏ gọn, cầu trục bờ tường được ưa chuộng sử dụng tại các nhà xưởng có diện tích nhỏ
With a compact design, wall cranes are popular for use in factories with a small area

A crane with a special design. The rail system of the crane is fixed on the wall of the factory to do the lifting and lowering of packages and equipment with small loads.

The wall crane has the outstanding advantage of compact design, does not occupy the workshop area. So this type of crane is very popular for use in factories with a small area.

2.5. Rotary Crane

Với tính năng hoạt động đa dạng, linh hoạt, cầu trục quay giúp di chuyển vật tới được nhiều vị trí mong muốn
With diverse and flexible operation features, the rotary crane helps to move objects to many desired positions

This type of crane is designed with column body, main girder, rotating mechanism, lifting device running under the main girder. The operating mechanism is that the main beam will rotate around the body of the fixed column and lift equipment and goods to the desired position.

Rotary crane is a type of crane capable of diverse operations, able to move and rotate objects in a certain space. Moreover, the design and installation of the rotary crane is also simple and fast.

2.6. Monorail Crane

Cầu trục Monorail có tính thẩm mỹ cao, phạm vi làm việc rộng, linh hoạt
Monorail cranes have high aesthetics, wide working range and flexibility

Beam system is straight or curved single rail depending on demand. This beam system is both a support beam and a guide. Monorail girder gantry crane is suitable for factories with concrete ceilings and for lifting small and medium weight objects.

This type of crane has a small main girder, so the aesthetic is higher than other types of girders. Especially, the Monorail crane can run on unlimited rails, so the working range is wide and flexible according to the job requirements.

3. Factory crane design drawing

In order to have the most standard design drawings, the implementer needs to base on the area, the size of the factory and the actual lifting needs. Therefore, drawing technical requirements need to be qualified and knowledgeable in this field.

If the staff does not have much experience, the business should consult with reputable construction units. For example, SUMITECH Industry Joint Stock Company.

SUMITECH has more than 10 years of experience in the field of factory construction. Including the design and installation of cranes. A team of highly specialized engineers will provide the most suitable crane solution for the required workshop area and load.

Here are some designs that SUMITECH has made, businesses can refer to:

Bản vẽ thiết kế cầu trục

Bản vẽ thiết kế cầu trục 3D

The design of the crane needs to be based on the characteristics of the factory. Therefore, businesses should consult directly from SUMITECH engineers. Hotline 0989.060.987 (free 24/7 consultation).

4. Notes when choosing to build a factory with a crane

Proper design of factory crane will help increase labor productivity and reduce labor costs. And the following 6 notes will help businesses improve their use value.

4.1 Type of crane

The classification and understanding of crane types helps to choose the right type of crane for the current situation of the factory.

  • Selection by design and structure: single girder crane, double girder crane, rotary crane, wall-based crane, Monorail crane
  • Selection by function: machine room crane, metallurgical crane, hydroelectric crane,…

4.2 Crane load, crane lifting capacity

Crane load is the most important factor when choosing. If choosing a crane with the correct load level, it will help maximize the performance and durability of the equipment.

Load unit is Kg or tons. If the specification “Design load – 5 tons” it is understood that this crane has a maximum lifting capacity of 5 tons. To determine this number, it should depend on the weight of the lifting object, the frequency of work, the characteristics of the job or the purpose of use.

4.3 Aperture of crane

Crane aperture is the distance between the center of 2 moving rails. Unit is meter (m). This parameter will not follow a specific standard but based on the actual size of the factory. Depending on the width of the workshop to design, calculate the crane’s aperture to be reasonable. The shorter the aperture, the lower the cost and vice versa.

4.4. Crane track length

The crane running length or crane travel length is measured in meters (m). This length depends on the existing beam support system along the factory or additional installation. The running length will be based on the length of the workshop and the crane working range requirements.

Note, the parameter “working range of the crane” is the range that the crane can approach to lift and lower the goods. And the operating range of the crane is always smaller than the running length, so when choosing, it is necessary to find out clearly to own a crane product that meets the maximum work.

4.5. Crane lifting height

Crane lifting height is also known as crane hook stroke. This height is calculated from the floor of the workshop up to the highest point of the hook. Unit is meter (m). In order to give the correct lifting height, it is necessary to know the full specifications such as: workshop height, shoulder height and overhead space constraints.

4.6. Lifting and lowering speed, crane movement

The speed of lifting and lowering the crane is usually designed according to the manufacturer’s standards. Usually there are the following types: 1-speed type, 2-speed type or type with built-in inverter. The speed of the crane will affect the cost of the product. Type 1 speed crane will have the cheapest price.

Above are 6 important notes to pay attention to and calculate when choosing a crane. In addition, there are still some other small notes such as: crane placement, control system, … need to pay attention to get a synchronous and complete crane product.

5. Crane installation process for factories

In order for the crane to operate stably and safely, the installation process needs to follow the correct sequence of steps and ensure the technical requirements according to the design. Specifically:

  • Powder coating for cranes and attachments
  • Install 2 side beams in 2 main girder head positions
  • Installation of other rest sets: subfloor, unloading bar, balustrade
  • Using 2 cranes with a load equivalent to the load of the crane on the rail
  • Crane the crane chamber into the installation position
  • Floor crane for repair into the mounting position
  • Install the safety guard on the main girder
  • Crane and hoist installation to the girder
  • Install crane cable system and lifting system
  • Installation of power lines from the source to electrical cabinets and control rooms
  • Check after completing the installation

6. Note for factories with cranes

Đào tạo công nhân, kỹ thuật viên sử dụng cầu trục để đảm bảo an toàn, hiệu quả
Train workers and technicians to use cranes to ensure safety and efficiency

For factories with cranes, during the operation of enterprises, the following points should be noted:

  • Train workers and technicians to use cranes carefully to ensure safety and efficiency.
  • Carry out regular cleaning and maintenance of the crane to limit damage and increase the durability of the equipment.
  • When installing the crane, it should be installed at the top so as not to obstruct the light, affecting the activities below and the lighting system.

Hopefully, the above article has helped you understand more about factory cranes and choose the product that best meets your needs. Please contact SUMITECH for advice and to own the perfect factory crane for your business.

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