Regulations on penalties for Karaoke bars that do not meet fire safety standards

14 January, 2023|Quản trị viên

xử phạt quán Karaoke vi phạm PCCC

The recent Karaoke bar fires have sounded like alarm bells about compliance with fire prevention regulations. So, specifically, how must Karaoke bars comply with the regulations? What are the penalties for not complying?

1. Regulations on fire prevention and fighting with Karaoke bars:

Article 5 of Circular 147/2020/TT-BCA stipulating measures to ensure safety for fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue for karaoke and discotheque service businesses. See the circular here.

With a base of 3 floors or more or with a total volume of 1,000m3 or more:

  • There are rules, prohibition signs, billboards, signboards/diagrams of fire prevention and fighting, and escape;
  • There are grassroots fire prevention and fighting forces that are professionally trained to be ready to fight fires on the spot;
  • Having an approved fire fighting plan;
  • There are electrical systems, lightning protection, anti-static, water supply …
  • Having a design approval certificate, design approval document and approval of fire safety test results…

For premises with a height of less than 3 floors or with a total volume of less than 1,000m3:

  • There are rules, prohibition signs, billboards, signboards/diagrams of fire prevention and fighting, and escape;
  • Having an approved fire fighting plan;
  • There are electrical systems, lightning protection, anti-static …

With facilities arranged in high-rise buildings, multi-purpose houses:

  • There are rules, prohibition signs, billboards, signboards/diagrams of fire prevention and fighting, and escape;
  • Using electrical equipment, generating fire, generating heat, fire source, heat source;
  • Appoint people to join the grassroots fire prevention and fighting team;
  • Coordinating implementation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting safety conditions.

2. Regulations on penalties for Karaoke bars that do not meet fire prevention standards:

If karaoke establishments violate regulations on fire prevention and fighting, they will be administratively fined according to Article 44 of Decree 144/2021/ND-CP:

Điều 44 - NĐ 144 (1)
Article 44 – Decree 144 (1)


Điều 44 - NĐ 144 (2)
Article 44 – Decree 144 (2)


Điều 44 - NĐ 144 (3)
Article 44 – Decree 144 (3)

In summary, the corresponding penalties for each violation are as follows:

100.000 – 300.000 dong– Hiding or obstructing the way of fire fighting vehicles.

– Using common fire fighting means of poor quality.

500.000 – 1,5 million dong– Failure to periodically check and maintain fire prevention and fighting equipment and systems.

–  Losing, damaging or ineffective fire fighting means.

03 – 05 million dong– Using and installing untested fire prevention and fighting equipment.

– Using fire-extinguishing means for other purposes.

05 – 10 million dong– Failing to equip common fire-fighting means for houses or construction sites with special requirements on fire prevention and fighting safety.

– Loss, damage or inactivation of fire alarm and fire fighting systems.

– Erase and correct the content of the certificate of fire prevention and fighting equipment…

15 – 25 million dongDo not install fire alarm and fire fighting systems.

Hopefully, with the above sharing will provide you with useful information.

Read more guidance on appraisal and approval of fire prevention and fighting designs according to Decree 136 here.

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